Holy moly!

I think this is one of my favourite places to dive! Diving Wolf Rock was an incredible experience! Anyone that knows me knows how much I love sharks and this dive site 110% delivered!
It was an early start to get to Wolf Rock Dive Centre (the only dive centre in Rainbow Beach). After signing all the relevant paperwork and getting kit sorted out and put on the boat, we headed out to Wolf Rock. The dive site is around 2km from shore and takes around 45 minutes to get out there.
When we moored up on site, we were greeted by humpback whales. We kitted up as quickly as we could to try to get in the water with them, but they had disappeared by the time we had jumped in. It was time to dive.
Descending the mooring line to around 30 metres was so awesome! Various reef fish, starfish and sea urchins joined us on our descent. We saw our first Grey Nurse Shark hovering in a gap between the two rock peaks. 6 Eagle Rays swam passed us as we looked for more sharks. We found them, lurking in the deep but time was up, we needed to surface as we were nearing our deco time and air consumption limits. We surfaced but at least we knew where to find them for the second dive.
During our surface interval, we snacked on soup and gummy snakes while chatting about our different dive experiences and looking for more migrating whales.
After lunch we kitted up and slipped back into the water for the second dive. We descended the mooring line again straight to where we last saw the group of sharks. We sat on the bottom as they gracefully circled us, swimming close and quickly turning away. Most were pregnant females. It was such an amazing experience. After maybe 15 or 20 minutes with the sharks we had to start our ascent. We swam slowly to the top of the peaks and headed back to the boat ascending the mooring line after our safety stop.
As we got back on the boat, a humpback whale surfaced close by, perhaps only 10 metres away from the boat. We waited for it to surface again but it had disappeared. Or so we thought. We untied from the mooring line and started to head back to shore but the whale surfaced again. The boat slowed and we watched as it disappeared again only for it to fully breach out the water moments later exactly where we were moored up and swimming just minutes before. What an incredible sight! We waited around as the whale came to the surface for breath a few more times and then it disappeared for good. It was time to head back to the dive centre.

Arriving back at the dive centre, we unloaded the boat and washed down all the kit. Drinking cold beers, we sat around chatting about the day and filled in our log books. A huge thank you to James, Jason, Brandi and my fellow divers for a fantastic day of diving and sharks!
Thanks for reading!