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Reflection 4: Here's to the next chapter

Updated: Mar 17, 2024

April 16th 2023

It was my birthday at the beginning of this week. I turned 29. Age is a funny thing really. Time passes but you don’t really feel older and I’m not entirely sure I feel wiser?

I recently saw a post on Pinterest that said each year of life is like the chapter of a book: there’s characters, plot twists, drama, highs, and lows. One of my favourite TV shows is Doctor Who. One of my favourite lines from the show is from the 11th Doctor, he says, “We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?”

sunset at the beach

I have changed a lot in the last year. I’ve gone from being very unhappy and living a boring life, to travelling and living the dream in Australia. I’ve visited so many places, ticked so much off my bucket list, met incredible people, heard amazing stories, have my own amazing stories and made friends that feel like family (and I miss them tonnes).

I wonder what Chapter 29 will bring. I’ll be heading home to Jersey next month; I’ll be catching up with my family and starting a fantastic new job for the summer season. In October/November, I am hoping to travel around Europe and I'm going to a friend’s wedding (haven’t seen her or our friends for 7 years). I hope it will be an exciting and fun-filled year.

I’m also celebrating another birthday this week. The birthday of this blog, which will be 1 year old on April 22nd. Thank you to those of you who have followed me on this journey so far and welcome if this is the first time you’re reading a post of mine. Thank you for all of you.

Here’s to the next chapter!


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